ello Erasmus and international people,
It's already time for our 2nd cantus! Prepare your drinking legs and smooth your voices because this one's going to be awesome again. A lot of new songs, a lot of fresh beer and of course a lot of party! Be there or be square!
**When?** Saturday the 10 of March
The doors open at 20:00, first one to be in has the best spots! We start the cantus at 20:30, you can't come in anymore after 20:30!
!!! Present your country at the cantus! Wear a flag, typical clothes of your country, clothes in the colours of your country, a football jersey.... Be creative !!!
**Ticket price**
€12 ESN-members / €15 non-members
NOTE: It is close to the previous Cantus BUT keep in mind that we only have 3 'Cantussen' this semester, so you don't want to miss this one!!
(3rd and last Cantus is at the end of June).
Link to FB event: http://bit.ly/2F7tt8x
ESN Antwerp Cantus Squad
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